According to the latest census numbers (2008), women make $0.77 to every man's dollar (1) and the average revenues of majority women-owned businesses were still only 27% of the average of majority men-owned businesses (2). My hope for Sparking Cinderalla is to foster a community of support for female entrepreneurs as well as provide a little juicy insight into who these women are in their everyday lives. After all, as Mama Gena says, "Women are the greatest untapped natural resource in the world."

Monday, June 22, 2015

Click over to my sexy new blog

Hey kids,

If you've landed here by some sort of magical internet fairy dust, congrats! You are seeing the very last post on this blog platform! I have now transferred all my content to a brand spankin' new Squarespace site. Click on this link to find all the latest goodies from The Orgasmic Life.

Thanks so much for following me!